Our Homeschool Week in Review

The kids are starting to finish a lot of subjects now that we're getting close to the end of our school year. Those taking a summer break start that break on July 1st. Hannah 15, has opted to not take a break. I'm sure she will take days off during the month of July. Especially when we have relatives visiting from out of state.

All the kids have math left. And all the kids have finished history and science. Hannah learned how to cut her brothers hair this week. Exciting for her, a little nerve racking for her brother. lol

So they are mostly finishing up math. I have one doing an intensive spelling unit, using the Natural Speller. In this case, intensive means 20 words a day, a pre-test in the morning and a re-test of the words missed in the afternoon. So far, they have gotten all the words right by the end of the day. I told this child that if they didn't get them all right, they would get homework over the weekend. Another kid asked, "Don't we always have homework?" lol

They recently found a tree frog and a turtle.

This coming week will find all the kids anxious to be on break, I'm sure. I don't normally like taking a summer break, but I'm looking forward to this one. I really need to sort through all the books in the school room and downsize.

Here are some links I found helpful:

Torah Homeschool Links
Handbook of Nature Study: First Day of Summer Activity Page
Large Family Homeschool Form
How to Regrow Store Bought Celery - looks like a good summer project!
Want to learn more about edible wild plants & mushrooms? Visit Wildman Steve Brill
Quizlet - has flashcards and quizzes on a variety of subjects. I'm looking specifically at the Hebrew flashcards, they are even printable. And the quiz looks hard! lol

Please visit:
Weekly Wrap Up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
Wrapping Up The Week
Weekly Homeschool Highlights

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