Saturday on the Farm

There is so much happening on the farm this time of year. It really is a joy to walk around and see all the plants coming up, the trees flowering, and the new kids playing. 

Here are a few pictures I took while out walking. We have no mulch now because of the chickens, who think mulch exists for their digging pleasure. We're planning on fencing them up pretty soon. :)

Purple Hyacinth in the front bulb garden

The hostas in front of the house

The iris's in the a/c garden

Clover growing in the iris, you can also see the rizomes 

The Redbuds are blooming!

The Dogwood flowers are just starting to open.

Here are a few links to help with your garden.

Why I'm Planting Chamomile This Spring

How to Identify Elderberries video on Youtube

Row Covers, Hoop Houses

Grab The Saturday on the Farm Button!

Saturday on the Farm is a blog carnival that lets us share links to our blog post. It's fun to visit each others farms.

To participate in Saturday on the Farm, just write a post about your homestead, farm, farmette, or the tomato plant on your deck. Your cows, goats, chicken, or your favorite kitty cat. Add the link to your post (not your main page) below. Please link back to me so others can join the fun, too.

For more Farm & Garden posts, please visit:
Homestead Barn Hop
Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers


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