There was so many new things to see on the farm this week, that I couldn't stop taking pictures!
We had 2 litters of kittens born this week. Both litters had 3 kittens.
Photo by Abby, 12 |
The tomato seeds are sprouting! The ones in the big pots are full size tomatoes, the paper pots contain cherry tomatoes, that haven't sprouted yet. The last couple of days, I've been putting the tray outside in the sun. It's been windy, that's why the seedlings are laying over.
This is one end of the gardens in front of the house. The plant in the back on the right is a wild rose we transplanted there, there's another one just to the left outside of the picture. The other end of the house looks similar, right down to the transplanted tree and wild rose bush. This is a "real life" picture that includes weeds, tall grass, and siding that needs to be washed. lol
The butterfly bushes are leafing out!
This is my Burning Bush. Behind it, you can see the hostas from the picture above, and the unfinished front porch.
The Lily of the Valleys in the Bible Garden are blooming! So pretty!
I started with maybe 9 bulbs a few years ago. Now I have this many. And there are no flowers where I originally planted them. They've spread farther back into the garden. That's Cyclamen in the lower left corner of the picture. Yep, weeds, too. lol
The grape vines have not only leafed out, but they have grapes on them! Aren't they the cutest little grapes you've ever seen? lol
I told you there was a lot to see this week. The raspberries have buds on them! I can hardly wait for these to ripen! lol
Some of the Dogwoods in the back yard. The backyard is to the left of the trees, then the creek, and the goat pen. The green box in the far left of the picture is the rabbit hutch.
And look what I found roosting in the Dogwood tree? Yes, they have a coop. They prefer the tree. Even this past winter, as cold as it was, they would be in the tree every night. Crazy chickens.
And here are the wild strawberry blossoms in the herb garden behind the house.
This is one of my Sugar Maple Trees in the side yard. I planted these about 4 years ago. They were only about 2 feet tall when I planted them. Now it's taller than my 16 year old. I'm going to make maple syrup with my grandchildren. No, I don't have any yet. Hopefully I will when the trees are old enough. lol
Hope you enjoyed this weeks tour! Link up below so I can visit you, too!
Here are some links:
How to Choose Edible Flowers
Planting, Trellising, Watering
Grab The Saturday on the Farm Button!
Saturday on the Farm is a blog carnival that lets us share links to our blog post. It's fun to visit each others farms.
To participate in Saturday on the Farm, just write a post about your homestead, farm, farmette, or the tomato plant on your deck. Your cows, goats, chicken, or your favorite kitty cat. Add the link to your post (not your main page) below. Please link back to me so others can join the fun, too.
For more Farm & Garden posts, please visit:
Homestead Barn Hop
Bloomin' Tuesday
Frugal Gardening 101
Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers
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