Saturday on the Farm

The trees have really been putting on a show this week. With both the Dogwoods and the Redbuds in bloom.

Dogwood Tree Flower
 Here's a picture of some of the goats on the hill behind our house. Can you see the boy and the baby goat way up on the top of the hill? The hill is considerably steeper than it looks. The goats run up and down it like it's nothing. It sure is hard on people, though lol

And to get that picture, I had to stand on this. What I won't do for pictures to share! lol Now, I could have gone all the way across and gotten a better picture, but I'm not that crazy! lol Hopefully, this summer, we'll get another bridge up.

Lily, the rabbit, sure is enjoying Spring!

The Apple tree is flowering!

These are the raspberries. We have a lot of new vines coming up this year. The raspberries don't usually make it into the house, as we stand out there and eat them. lol Maybe with more vines, we will actually bring some into the house. I hope to freeze some.

This is a Hawthorne Tree. It's full of buds. We have never had any haws off it. Since this is the most buds we've ever had on this tree, maybe this will be the year we get some haws.

Photo by Calen, 16
 The Hawthorne Tree buds.

Photo by Calen, 16
 The Chives already have flower buds! I don't remember them ever having buds this early.

Photo by Calen, 16
Hopefully, next week, I will have some vegetable garden pictures.  I have tomatoes started inside, but we have nothing planted outside yet. We are so behind!

Here are some links:

7 Nifty Ways to Grow Your Own Herbs
8 Money Saving Tips on Gardening in the City
How to Garden - Garden Beds

Grab The Saturday on the Farm Button!

Saturday on the Farm is a blog carnival that lets us share links to our blog post. It's fun to visit each others farms.

To participate in Saturday on the Farm, just write a post about your homestead, farm, farmette, or the tomato plant on your deck. Your cows, goats, chicken, or your favorite kitty cat. Add the link to your post (not your main page) below. Please link back to me so others can join the fun, too.

For more Farm & Garden posts, please visit:
Homestead Barn Hop
Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers
Frugal Gardening
Cottage Flora Thursdays


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