Even though I do have Irish blood, I have never celebrated St. Patrick's Day with my kids.
Don't pinch me, ok?
I don't remember doing anything special for St. Patrick's Day growing up. Well, except wearing green to school so no one would pinch me. I always felt sorry for the kids who forgot to wear green, and got pinched so much.
The kids requested that we learn more about St. Patrick, so today's the day.
I remember hearing that St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. Turns out, they weren't real snakes. Ireland never had any snakes. The pagans used to worshiped serpent symbols. St. Patrick was a Christian missionary. The snakes being driven out of Ireland was symbolic for putting an end to the pagan practice.
Do you know why the clover is a symbol of St. Patrick's day? St. Patrick used the three leaf clover to explain the Trinity.
Here are some links to help you learn more about St. Patrick's Day, and some fun activities to do with the kids.
Learn more about St. Patrick.
St. Patrick's Day Games, Puzzles, Recipes, Crafts & more
Facts About St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day Online Games
St. Patrick's Day Activities, Crafts, Recipes & more for everyone from toddlers to adults.
Family Fun St. Patrick's Day Printables
Perpetual Preschool St. Patrick's Day - printables and activities just for preschoolers.
Watch a YouTube video about The History of St. Patrick's Day.
We're going to make Boxty for supper tonight.
What do you do to celebrate St. Patrick's Day?
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