Elder Care and Avalon Health Care


I remember when my parents had to find a way to take care of my grandmother after she started having health problems and could no longer live in her alone in her home. I know they agonized over what they should do and how they could find the best care for her.  At first they took her into their home and hired someone to come in and make her lunch everyday while they were away at work. Eventually they had to find somewhere else for her to live. This was before computers and internet, so they spent hours on the phone calling different facilities and then going to visit them.

It won’t be to many more years and I will be going through the same thing with my parents, so I was excited for the opportunity to look into elder care a little.

Through a little searching I found Avalon Health Care. They have lots of great facilities all specializing in different elements of care, including care centers, hospitals and a senior living communities.

Some of the things to look for in finding a good facility are~

  • Integrity
  • Mutual Respect
  • Excellence
  • Accountability
  • Trust

At Avalon Health Care you can find all of these. They aim for success by recognizing each person’s worth; creating and maintaining an environment where individuality is promoted and dignity is preserved. They base their ideology and approach to care on the core principles of integrity, respect, excellence, accountability and trust. Their foundational belief is~

"We embrace a reverence for life, and a heart for healing

So whether you live in Arizona, California, Utah, Washington or Hawaii you can find the perfect care for the seniors in your family who need a little extra care and comfort. Avalon Health Care is there for you to meet your families needs for elder care.

I am participating in the “What about Mom & Dad” campaign by AvalonHCI.com I received compensation to facilitate this post. However, the views and opinions are my own.

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