You can see my Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Lists, in case you missed them.
Your welcome to copy my lists if you want, changing and adding chores to make the lists your own.
The best way to make your lists, is to walk through your home, room by room, making a list of everything that needs to be done, and how often you think it needs to be done in your house. Frequency will be different for every home, depending upon the number of people living there, and if any are little kids.
Don't worry about making your list perfect. You can adjust it as you go along. If you've forgotten a chore, just add it in. As you start working your lists, you may find that some chores need to be done more often, or less often (always good, lol), you can easily adjust that also.
Here are a few resources to help you in your list making:
Flylady has a lot of great information about setting up your lists. You can also sign up for her reminder emails. When I was on her email list a few years ago, she sent out a lot of emails every day.
Organized Home has lots of help. They use a 3x5 card system, instead of lists. I started using the card system way back before my kids where born. So it's been about 25 years. I still prefer to keep the monthly chores on cards. But at this time in my life, with kids and homeschooling, I find lists easier to use for daily and weekly chores. There's even an Index Card Christmas Planner. Organized Home also has the Holiday Grand Plan with printable lists to get you ready for the holidays.
HouseCleaning has information on how to set up a house cleaning schedule.
I hope you have found these posts about my cleaning lists helpful. If you have any questions, just ask!
For more homemaking ideas, visit
Homemaker Monday
Tackle it Tuesday
Homemaking Link-up at Raising Homemakers
Works For Me Wednesday
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