For the month of November I'm participating in the 30 Day Giving Challenge.
I participated last year, as well. However, due to being sick, I was unable to give something on all 30 days.
This year, I'm hoping and praying to complete the challenge.
Our family works in a clothes ministry at our church. We take the donated clothes, sort them, put them out in the Outreach Center for people to come in and get for free. We also fill up our church's fellowship hall with clothes every couple of months, and have the public come in and get clothes for free. We advertise this in the local papers and on local radio, so we usually have a pretty good turn out. We are having another giveaway this Saturday.
Here are a few pictures that I posted back in March of the fellowship hall full of clothes.
All that takes our family quite a bit of time. So that's how a lot of the days for this challenge will be spent.
Of course, I will be doing other things as well.
For example, yesterday on Day 1, I gave away the chocolate covered cherries that my husband brought me to someone that was having a hard time and needed some cheering up. And no, I didn't give them to myself. lol
Giving doesn't always involve money.
It's the giving of yourself that makes the biggest difference. So some days of the challenge will be giving of myself and my time to others.
There's still plenty of time to join, visit the 30 Day Giving Challenge
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