It's been a great week here in Kentucky. The temps have been a little cooler and we've had some rain. So the gardens are all doing great!
I love the little daisy like flowers on the Feverfew in the herb garden. So pretty and dainty.
The Echinacea is starting to bloom. I love to take pictures of the beautiful flowers.
We transplanted two Mullein plants from beside the road to the herb garden. The other one suffered more chock than this one. But it's making a comeback.
And they are starting to bloom!
In the vegetable garden, the cucumbers are growing well. Yes, those are catalogs and magazines as mulch. I ran out of cardboard and newspapers. Have to keep the weeds down somehow. lol
The green beans are doing great. I don't know for sure what kind of green beans these are. I got them from my kids piano teacher about 6 years ago. They are the only beans she's ever grown, the only beans her mother ever grew, and the only beans her grandmother ever grew. She said they're like a half runner, but they're not half runners. So I don't know what they are, other than good! They freeze great, too.
The tomatoes are doing well, also. This is taller than it looks, the cardboard is not lying flat on the ground.
Something keeps eating my raspberries before I can pick them! I think it's the chickens. Rotten chickens. Lucky for them, they give me eggs. But they better lay off my raspberries!
These are the black raspberries. A few are starting to ripen. yum.....
That's a few highlights from my garden this week. How are your gardens doing?
Here are a few links I found interesting and helpful:
Homemade Gardeners Hand Scrub
Using Coffee Grounds in the Garden
How to Make Natural Mosquito Spray
Natural De-Skunking - Good to know!
Organic Gardening and Homesteading
Grab The Saturday on the Farm Button!
Saturday on the Farm is a blog carnival that lets us share links to our blog post. It's fun to visit each others farms.
To participate in Saturday on the Farm:
- Write a post about your homestead, farm, farmette, or the tomato plant on your deck. Your cows, goats, chicken, or your favorite kitty cat.
- Add the link to your post (not your main page) below.
- Please link back to me so others can join the fun, too.
For more Farm & Garden posts, please visit:
Homestead Barn Hop
Bloomin' Tuesday
Frugal Gardening 101
Fertilizer Friday/ Flaunt Your Flowers
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