Energy Efficient Curtains

We really try to keep our electric bill down to a dull roar during the winter months. We have found our windows to be a great source of lost heat. So we've covered our windows with plastic. You can get the clear kind that you use a blow dryer on to tighten the plastic up. When your looking through the window, you can't eve tell the plastic is there. really.

I had wanted insulated drapes for quite a few years, but I thought they were too expensive. Well, this year, I really started looking around at them.

I found these Energy Efficient Curtain Panels at for under $15. When I bought mine in October, they were only $11. a panel for the size I needed. I picked the Khaki color. I actually bought the curtain rod in the picture, too.

My actual curtains, in my actual living room.

I decided to try them first before a more expensive curtain, and before ordering some place else on line. Just because it's easier to return something to our local Walmart store, then shipping it back and waiting for a credit.

You know what? I loved them! They are nothing fancy, but they get the job done. When the curtains are closed, I can stick my had between the curtain and the window and feel cold air trapped back there by the curtain. They really do work!

All that cold air kept out of the room translates to being able to keep the thermostat set lower, which means a lower electric bill!

Yes, you can find fancier insulated drapes. But if your looking to lower your electric bill without breaking your piggy bank to buy new drapes, these curtains from Walmart will do very nicely.

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