Robert Pierre - New Christian Recording Artist

I recently heard about a new recording artist, Robert Pierre. He's an 18 year old high school senior. A very talented 18 year old. I love all 4 of his new Contemporary Christian songs!

You can listen to 4 of Robert Pierre's songs at Noisetrade. Once on NoiseTrade, you simply click the Robert Pierre EP image to open the online player. You'll see the 4 songs available: JESUS, YOU HOLD ME NOW, BREAKING MY HEART, IDENTITY.

AND, if you're interested in downloading all four songs for FREE to have on your own computer or ipod, provides that downloadable zip file of the 4 songs when you enter your email address, postal code & click NEXT (just under the online player). After you click NEXT, NoiseTrade will email you a link that you can quickly click to have the 4 songs downloaded. I just tried it, and it works. :)

If you want to see the lyrics, here are links for those: Jesus, You Hold Me Now, Breaking My Heart, Identity

With music, I'm all about the lyrics. To me, the lyrics are first, and the music second. I love good music, too, but it's the lyrics that make a song great. That make we want to listen to a song over and over again. To tell others about the song.

I'm finding it very hard to pick a favorite out of these four songs. Here are a couple of lyrics:

From Jesus:

All my concerns, my deepest hurt My Saviour's been where I am Life comes undone and there's no one Who understands like He can So even when I stumble and my world is torn apart There is One whose holding my heart Any desperate day One word I can pray All I know to say Jesus

From You Hold Me Now:

On that day when I see All that you have for me When I see You face to face There surrounded by Your grace All my fears swept away In the light of your embrace Where Your love is all I need And forever I am free

No weeping, no hurt or pain, no suffering You hold me now, You hold me now No darkness, no cycling, no hiding You hold me now, You hold me now, You hold me now

See what I mean? Awesome lyrics! I guess, if I really had to pick a favorite, it would be Jesus. As of right now. lol

Robert's full-length CD will be released later this summer. Join Robert's Facebook page to keep up to date with his latest news. He manages his own page. :) And if you want to see Robert doing one of his favorite things, play basketball, you can see a video of Robert doing some water basketball trick shots.

I hope you listen to Robert Pierre's new songs. I really did love them. He's a very talented singer. I can't wait to share these songs with my kids. They're going to love them!

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